Pastor Jacquie serves alongside her wonderful husband. She is a humble, servant leader who displays God's love for humanity. She is dedicated to offering her life, voice, hands, time, and resources to His Kingdom. She rarely speaks of her accomplishments but boasts of what Jesus has accomplished for mankind and his invitation into His Kingdom...His Government...His Community. Pastor Jacquie strongly urges those she encounters against doing life alone and in isolation; but encourages them to join God's church, not to find perfection, but to find hope, peace, and victory for the troubling times in which we live. roundedinstagram Listen
pastor jacquie
pastor jerome
Pastor Jerome has served side by side with his best friend and loving wife for many years. Pastor Jerome is a man of integrity and makes himself available to help in times of need. His favorite Scripture is found in Proverbs 3:5-6 which reads: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths." Pastor Jerome often shares his testimony on where and how he came to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. It was at work during a noonday Bible Study where he was simply invited by a friend. Therefore, Pastor Jerome frequently encourages the congregation to: "Invite Someone"!
Meet our Team
Jacqueline nicholson
Jerome Nicholson
Assistant Pastor
joseph & tina chunn
Ministerial Staff
ivan & april mckinney
Amber Goode
Children's Church Director
Millicent Stewart
Children's Church Teacher
April mckinney
Children's Church Teacher
martha boykins
Church Mother
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