What you can Expect:

  • Friendly people
  • Passionate worship
  • Biblical preaching and teaching that is relevant to your life
  • Dress style - 'come as you are'
  • Services lasting an hour and fifteen minutes
  • We offer Children's and Youth Church at 11:15 am
  • Continue visiting until you are ready to take your next step

We are located at 511 Dare Road, Yorktown, Virginia and would love for you to be our guest!



It does not matter if you are undecided or you're ready to take your next step, we want to meet you and your family! This does not commit you to membership, just a meeting.


We hope to get to know you better. This is an opportunity to ask questions and to speak with our Pastors and team members in a relaxed environment, our church.


Have lunch with us. Lunch is served immediately after service and we welcome children as well. Come and learn more about who we are to include our mission, vision, and core values.

next step: New Members class

After Lunch with us, take the next step - enroll in our Pathway to Victorious Living New Members Class! These classes, offered 3 times (March, July, November) every year for 4 weeks, are specifically designed for anyone new to Victory looking to grow and develop spiritually and continue your faith journey with us!  We will get deeper into what we believe, our core values, and discovering your spiritual gifts. We are confident that this will enrich your faith journey in Christ and will provide a clear pathway to continually following Jesus.  Email us at or check out our Events Page for next available classes and times.

next step: water baptism

Jesus demonstrated the value of being baptized by doing so himself as yielding to the Father’s plan and will. In the Great Commission Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Thus, baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus, is an act of obedience in submission to the will of God and a desire to follow Jesus. Baptism is also a public confession of faith and a declaration of living for Christ, dying to self, and receiving His life and power to walk in newness of life. (Romans 6:3-4) Of course, if you have already been baptized, then prayerfully take your next step at your own pace!

next step: join a small group

Enjoying life-giving relationships with others is one of the best ways to build individual strength and get to know God better. No matter what season of life, we want you to connect in a small group! We have groups having engaging events and social gatherings designed to build your faith. Young, older, single, married, man or woman, we've got a place for you.   We enjoy teaching through our experiences, love of God, and the power of His Word. Find a group just for you!

next step: serve

At Victory, we serve in our church, one another, and our community. We are intentional about living beyond ourselves to also serve our family members and friends. We accomplish this by using our gifts, talents, skills, education, etc., to edify, support, and encourage one another where it is needed most. We assess the needs of our faith community and provide tangible assistance as necessary whether it be intermittent childcare to give parents a break, or delivery of meals to those who are ill. We are compelled to use our hands and feet to serve others. Jesus said: "Whoever wants to be greatest in the Kingdom of God must be servant of all." Email us at to share your areas of serving interest.